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Sales Team Improvement Evaluation

GOAL: To gain actionable insights and unlock growth

Using a sales specific science backed approach we will provide an in-depth look at the people, systems, and strategies of your sales organisation. To discover hidden revenue and revenue potential within your sales team.

Step one – Identify sales challenges and blockers

The effectiveness of your sales management efforts

Conducting analysis through a science backed approach to understand how effective your sales management team are at management, coaching and accountability.

Whether your management team is on the same page

Alignment of your sales leadership to drive their team and your business forward.

Whether your sales team can sell consultatively

Looking at your sales team’s capabilities – do they truly understand what your customers are trying to achieve? And what is getting in their way?

The factors impacting the ramp-up time of new sales people

Reviewing the gaps in new hire capabilities and building targeted development plans. The faster you ramp-up and recruit, the faster you will gain a return on investment.

Business being lost because of underperforming sales people

Identifying what is systemically going wrong across your business – whether that be skills, mindset or behaviours.

Your hiring criteria

Distinguishing the right attributes required for new sales recruits in your recruitment process. Are your hire processes consistent, or are decisions made on gut feel?

Step two – Answer critical questions

What sales growth could actually be achieved?

Given your current team, how much more could you sell? Does this fit with company goals? When is the right time to recruit more sales people?

What’s getting in the way?

Understanding in an objective way what is stopping your sales team achieve more sales. Looking at operations, leadership, behaviour, culture and skill-levels.

Are the right people in the right roles?

Do you have hunters doing account management? Are your account managers being pressed to find new business? Have you wondered why some people just don’t seem to fit?

How effective are your sales managers?

Optimising your sale manager’s leadership abilities to deliver significant sales improvements.

How can you improve pipeline and forecast?

Why do some deals never close, and others always seem to shift to quarter end? How can you increase confidence in forecasting for your board and investors?

Do your sales processes support a high performance sales organisation?

Understanding what can be improved to establish repeatability, predictability and scalability. High performance does not happen by accident.

Step three – With results we will:

Identify the key issues that are holding back sales performance

Using clear, objective and science backed findings to help your leadership team understand the current barriers to progress and growth.

Uncover obstacles to ignite sales growth

Challenge conventional organisational thinking.

Develop a personalised roadmap to success

Using insights gained to prioritise and tune improvements needed at all levels. Embedding sales transformation from top to bottom.

Set realistic and motivating sales KPI’s

Ensuring your measures will drive desired behaviours, motivate your sales people to deliver and allow visibility of performance.

Assessment Tool

How do your sales team compare?
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